TokenPocket to BitKeep

Transition from TokenPocket to BitKeep wallet

TokenPocket to BitKeep Transition

DGR no longer supports TokenPocket wallet due to connectivity issue with the exchange not showing the value of DGR Coin. We want to assure you that your DGR Coins have value; they are safe in your TokenPocket wallet and on Tron blockchain.

DGR Coin holders can now use the BitKeep wallet to get the value of DGR Coins from the SunSwap exchange. We have updated our website to reflect the usability of the BitKeep wallet. Below please find the instructions on how to download, install and configure the BitKeep wallet.

After installation and configuration of the BitKeep wallet you can send your DGR Coins from TokenPocket to BitKeep. Please be aware that approximately 30 TRX-Tron is needed in your TokenPocket wallet to pay for transaction fees.

If you do not have at least 30 TRX in your TokenPocket wallet, contact us on Twitter or Telegram to find a solution to help you.

We truly apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. We are here to assist you during this transition period.

Best regards,

DGR Team.

*Only DGR Coin holders prior to May 20, 2022 qualify for TokenPocket to BitKeep transition assistance.

Download & Setup BitKeep

1. Select New Wallet

2. Select Generate

3. Write Down Mnemonics
or Select Later

4. Set Pin Code
Do not forget your Pin Code
Can NOT be recovered if forgotten

5. Confirm Your Pin

6. Select Tron Blockchain

7. Allow Notifications

8. Skip Through Popups

9. Select (+) Next To Search

10. Copy & paste DGR address

11. Checkmark Next To DGR

12. See TRX & DGR in Wallet
Can't see DGR? Go back to step 9

You have successfully installed and configured BitKeep with TRX & DGR

To Transfer DGR Coins From TokenPocket To BitKeep

1. Select DGR in BitKeep

2. Select Receive Tab

3. Select Copy Address

Open TokenPocket wallet
Must have approximately 30 TRX

4. Select DGR

5. Select Transfer Tab

6. Select Transfer Tab Again

7. Paste DGR BitKeep Receive Address

8. Enter Amount or Select All

9. Select Confirm

10. Select Confirm Payment

11. Enter Password & Confirm

Congratulations You Sent Your DGR Coins To BitKeep Wallet

To Transfer TRX to BitKeep

GoTo Step 4 & Choose TRX

You have successfully transferred your DGR Coins and/or TRX to BitKeep wallet

Social Media
Follow DGR on Twitter or contact us on Telegram


Copyright (c) The Maestro Group 2022
White paperTokenPocket to BitKeep

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