Stake DGR/TRX To Earn Rewards

Staking provides additional benefit

What is Proof of Stake?

Staking is the process of participating in DGR Coin exchange validation to receive rewards.

Unlike Bitcoin and many other blockchains that require expensive computer hardware & high electricity cost to verify transactions in a Proof of Work network; you can earn DGR and TRX by simply staking your coins in the Proof of Stake SunSwap decentralized exchange. You must have BitKeep wallet installed and have equal value of DGR and TRX in your wallet to proceed.

Stake DGR and TRX

1. Select Browser or DApp Tab

2. Search For SunSwap

3. Confirm DApp Connection

4. Select Pool Tab

5. Select Add Liquidity Tab

6. From Bottom "Select a token"

7. Select DGR

Can't find DGR? Search by its address
Add DGR to your exchange list

8. Enter Amount of TRX or DGR
Not exceeding current balance
Leave extra TRX for transaction cost

9. Select Supply Tab

10. Confirm Supply

11. Confirm Signature Info

12. Enter Your Pin Code

13. Congratulations
You Have Staked DGR/TRX
Liquidity Added To SunSwap Exchange

14. Staked DGR/TRX Visible In SunSwap DeFi Exchange

To Remove Staked Tokens

1. Select Remove

2. Select Remove Amount In %

3. Select Confirm Remove tab

4. Confirm Signature Info

5. Enter Pin Code

6. Staked TRX/DGR Removed

7. Go Back To BitKeep
DGR & TRX deposited back in wallet

You have successfully staked and Removed DGR/TRX from SunSwap DeFi exchange

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